We are slowly working to improve Our online florist site by adding items. Our biggest concern is being the best retail florist we can be. The development of this website is secondary to our customers needs. Recently we added the Fruit Basket section. At this point we think a good selection of flowers, plants and gifts is more important than a showy home page. A more informative florists’ home page will follow shortly. Thank you for your patience. We can not only have flowers delivered in the Vancouver - Portland metro area but throughout the US with our select florist partners. Feel free to call us toll free at 1-888-292-7714 or order right here online for delivery. You can talk to a real florist at our shop not just an order processor in a phone center.
2007 marked Vancouver's 150th anniversary as an incorporated city. The city has gone through many transformations including growing from a population of 250 people in 1857 to today's count of 192,000 in 2023. Vancouver was the headquaqrters of the Hudson's Bay Company(established in 1825). It is the oldest permanent non-native settlement in the Pacific Northwest (1825). The oldest living apple tree in the Pacific Northwest was planted in 1826 in Vancouver. The first sawmill was established in Vancouver in 1827. The oldest public square, Esther Short Park, was developed in Vancouver in 1855. Pearson Field, located in Vancouver is one of the oldest continuously operated airports in the country and hasbeen in use since 1905. Vancouver was also the site of the world's largest spruce lumber mill for airplane construction during World War and a major shipbuilding center during World War 2.

Clarence Walker for Flowers
Our Florist Shop is located in Portland, OR just over Columbia River from Vancouver, WA
For local flower delivery give our florist shop a call at 503-285-7714
Personal Service is only a phone call away toll free at 1-888-292-7714.
Easy and secure on-line ordering available too.
Continuous Daily Deliveries to Camas, Vancouver, Washougal, Brush Prarie, Ridgefield, Orchards, Battle Ground, and Hazeldell Washington
Tax Free Shopping On Our Site
Pay for your Flower or Balloon Delivery to Vancouver with PayPal