Amazing Daisy
Celebrate the brightest of occasions with this cheerful bouquet of happy-faced daisies presented in a graceful, curved vase.
Basket of Joy
Whether celebrating the arrival of a bundle of joy, a new job, a new house or anything else that makes life brighter, this is the perfect basket of joy! Ultra-big on beauty and ultra-low on maintenance, it's a simply beautiful gift. In Oregon this...
Peace Lilly Spathiphyllum Plant
The graceful Peace Lilly or spathiphyllum plant with its snowy white flowers is a familiar and reassuring sight in any setting. A gift of beauty that lasts. Plant may or may not contain blooms. %%Panel.Container%% %%Panel.GreenPlant%%
Spring Romance Bouquet
Romance buds in the spring - and it blooms beautifully in this charming bouquet of tulips and alstroemeria. Presented in a clear glass vase, it's a heartfelt gesture she'll remember through all seasons.
Rise and Sunshine
A gift of pure joy, this enchanting bouquet features oranges roses, white daisies and other favorites in a sunny orange cut-glass votive bowl. You know someone who could use a lift. Give it to them the easy way. Just give us a click. %%Panel.Container%%
Sapphire Skies Bouquet
Send someone a bit of heaven with this beautiful bouquet. Luxurious cream roses and pure white lilies paint a peaceful picture inside a sapphire blue cube. %%Panel.Cube%%
Sweet Tenderness
Although the loss of a loved one is a sadness that must be endured, a gift of brilliantly colored flowers is a reminder of life's unending beauty. This arrangement is shown as a one sided arrangement. We design it all around with the same floral...
Pink and White Delight
Whether a birthday, anniversary or any special day, this gorgeous bouquet will be the life of the party. Pink roses and snowy white gladioli in a frosted pink hurricane vase ¬¬- what could be more sweetly sensational? They'll be ecstatic! Actual...
Enchanted Cottage
This magical bouquet will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It's so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today!
Blue Horizons
As open and bright as a winter's sky, this exquisite mix of white and blue blossoms would make a stunning birthday gift, or a superb Hanukah present for a favorite friend or family member. An eye-catching selection.
Simply Pink Bouquet
Give her a wink with pink! This blushing bouquet gathers beautiful blooms into a brilliant gem vase. It's a pink-tastic celebration of spring they'll enjoy today and all year long! %%Panel.Container%%
Bamboo Artistry
Give the gift of serenity with a graceful contemporary bouquet artistically arranged in an exotic dish made of real bamboo. A lovely surprise, no matter where or Zen. %%Panel.Container%%
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