Garden Romance
Hello, gorgeous! This bouquet includes purple hydrangea, light pink spray roses and white asiatic lilies and arranged in our vibrant violet glass cube. %%Panel.Cube%%
Dashing Daisies
Send these bright and joyful daisies and that special someone's heart will skip a beat or two.
Sincerely Yours Bouquet
Soft and delicate, this pale pink and white bouquet speaks to the purity and simplicity of your adoration.
Red, White And You Bouquet
Celebrate your love with flying colors! Little red roses and classic white daisies make this sweet bouquet a favorite for Valentine's Day, birthdays and more. Delivered in a shapely red vase and tied with a shimmering red ribbon, it's a gift from the...
Thoughts of You Bouquet with Red Roses
Calling this simply sensational bouquet of six red roses "beauty on a budget" doesn't begin to do it justice. Yet it is beautifully affordable. So much so that you may want to send it to several special friends - just because.
Pink Hope and Courage Bouquet
Celebrate women's health by selecting this charming bouquet for the girl of your dreams. With soft pink roses and lilies in a satin pink vase, she'll love this gift even more becaues it's also a gift for others.
Bejeweled Beauty
Pure romance. Hot pink roses and dark red spray roses are brightly arranged inside our violet cube. %%Panel.Cube%%
Love and Laughter
Know someone you love to make laugh? Someone you love to laugh with? Someone who could use a laugh? Someone who fits all of the above? Well, this beautiful arrangement has charms that extend way beyond its blossoms.
Dance with Me
There's a special someone at the top of your dance card, who brings laughter and joy to your heart every day. Show them how much you care with a Dance with Me flower bouquet of carnations and roses in pretty shades of red and pink. A charming choice for...
Happily Ever After
Send someone this delightful floral gift of pretty pink blossoms and share the gift of beauty! A glorious selection of fresh flowers is arranged in a rustic basket, then hand-delivered. What could be lovelier?
Pink Daisy Delight
Today, rather than emailing your best friend, send a surprise bouquet of pink roses and white daisies in a dazzling fuchsia ginger jar. They'll ask, "What's the occasion?" Just say, "You are." This arrangement may be in a clear glass vase based on...
Polka Dots and Posies
For a special treat that can't be beat, this delightfully cheery bouquet of white daisies and pink spray roses (mini)presented in a delicately tinted pink glass cube vase, accented with a matching pink polka-dot ribbon is like a gift of pure joy!This is...
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