Summer Daydream Bouquet
Send them on a summer daydream with this sensationally sunny bouquet! These vivid blooms are arranged in a cobalt blue vase.
Bright Day Bouquet
Give them sunny! Smiley carnations and happy daisies burst cheerfully from a yellow pedestal design vase when available. It's a bright arrangement-and a brilliant gift. %%Panel.Container%% Most often this arrangement will be arranged in a clear...
Let's Celebrate Bouquet
It's time to celebrate with bold, bright flowers! Arranged in a charming red ginger jar vase, this gorgeous gift of golden lilies and yellow daisies marks any occasion with pizzazz!
Pretty Please
Looking for the prettiest bouquet in town? We've got the perfect all-around choice! Pretty Please is a flower bouquet with all the right stuff - a lovely mix of fresh flowers in breezy shades of pink, white, lavender and more at a wonderfully reasonable...
Dancing in Daisies
Happy birthday to you! Or happy anniversary! Or happy nothing special! Whatever the occasion (or non-occasion), this stunning array of the season's most fabulous flowers in a clear glass vase will make their day.
Color Me Yours Bouquet
Color her overjoyed when this beautiful bouquet is delivered to her door! Sunny reds, oranges and yellows create a heartwarming mix to remind her just how special she is.
Make a Wish
If you close your eyes and make a wish, perhaps someone will send you this deluxe version of our Make a Wish bouquet, with a big, bright bunch of fresh flowers in cheerful shades of yellow, purple, orange and red. A scrumptiously pretty gift for any day...
Kindest Heart Bouquet
A special show of kindness, on Valentine's Day or any day of the year! This eye-catching arrangement of red carnations, white daisies and delicate baby's breath will surprise and delight your special someone - and remain a treasured memory for years to...
Together Forever
Hoping to be together forever? Whether you'd like to send a message of love to a favorite beau, best friend or family member, this charming, crimson-hued bouquet - delivered in a special Teleflora cube vase - will be a lovely sentiment of your affection...
Sweet as a Daisy
It's no wonder so many people are crazy about daisies. Daisy chrysanthemums, that is. This bright yellow plant is so full of sunshine it almost begs for a beach towel! Pretty, very sweet, and it will last a long, long time!
Daisy Daydreams
Get a handle on spring with this delightful array of floral favorites in a charming white bamboo basket accented with lavender ribbon. Surprise someone who could use a lift. It will make you both happy.
Perfectly Pleasing Pinks
A perfectly pleasing mix of sweet springtime blossoms make this a truly happy gift. So full of feminine flowers and fun feelings, this is the perfect arrangement to make her smile.
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