Style and Grace Bouquet
This lovely bouquet is the epitome of elegance, featuring graceful orchids, fragrant stephanotis and classic white roses.
Weddings and Prom
Visit Our Other Website With Many More Corsage Selections
Visit www.elegantportlandweddings.com
Prom is often the biggest event of your high school career! Once you've picked out your dress or tux, its time to start thinking about flowers. Corsages and boutonnieres make the perfect addition to your formal occasion. Clarence Walker Florist creates elegant prom flowers that will match your dress, your tux and your mood. Girls can pick out the perfect boutonnieres for their dates. Boys can create fancy corsages that will make the night even more special. Or come into together and we'll design a set for you that reflect your personality and sense of style. Choose Clarence Walker Flowers for all your prom flower needs!