Amazing Daisy
Celebrate the brightest of occasions with this cheerful bouquet of happy-faced daisies presented in a graceful, curved vase.
Sweet Azalea Delight
Pretty in pink azaleas are sure to delight! Perfect for birthdays, new babies, brightening someone's dayÂ… even brightening someone's Valentine's Day! %%Panel.Azalea%%
Sublime Orchid
Shangri-la might be a fictional place, but this stunning orchid is firmly planted in the most beautiful kind of reality. An exotic purple phalaenopsis orchid is arranged in a stylish brown bamboo cube. %%Panel.OrchidPlant%%
Imperial Purple Orchid
Shangri-la might be a fictional place, but this stunning orchid is firmly planted in the most beautiful kind of reality. An exotic lavender phalaenopsis orchid comes delivered in a distinctive cube made of beautiful, natural bamboo. It's easy to take...
Secret Garden Basket
It will be no secret how you feel about the person lucky enough to receive this beautiful basket. Whether it's someone you work with or someone you live with. Someone near or someone far. This gift is overflowing with robust beauty and lively energy...
Basket of Joy
Whether celebrating the arrival of a bundle of joy, a new job, a new house or anything else that makes life brighter, this is the perfect basket of joy! Ultra-big on beauty and ultra-low on maintenance, it's a simply beautiful gift. In Oregon this...
Bountiful Kalanchoe
Bountiful and beautiful, the kalanchoe is one hardy plant that makes a heartfelt gift. It's hand-delivered in a cream ribbed planter or similar ceramic planter. %%Panel.Container%%
Sunny Cyclamen
Perennially pretty! This delightful flowering pot will deliver beauty for a long time. The perfectly pink blossoms almost look like birds in flight over a lovely sea of greens. Sure to be appreciated, it's a wonderful housewarming or birthday gift...
Peace Lilly Spathiphyllum Plant
The graceful Peace Lilly or spathiphyllum plant with its snowy white flowers is a familiar and reassuring sight in any setting. A gift of beauty that lasts. Plant may or may not contain blooms. %%Panel.Container%% %%Panel.GreenPlant%%
Spring Romance Bouquet
Romance buds in the spring - and it blooms beautifully in this charming bouquet of tulips and alstroemeria. Presented in a clear glass vase, it's a heartfelt gesture she'll remember through all seasons.
Summer Brights
Talk about a bright idea! An all-occasion favorite, this bold bouquet of primary colors delivers summer fun to anyone, all year long. Top pick for men! %%Panel.Cube%%
Rise and Sunshine
A gift of pure joy, this enchanting bouquet features oranges roses, white daisies and other favorites in a sunny orange cut-glass votive bowl. You know someone who could use a lift. Give it to them the easy way. Just give us a click. %%Panel.Container%%
By Flower Color
Are you looking to select a flower arrangement for delivery in the Portland area?
Are you looking for flowers in certain colors?
Hopefully this page sorted by color will help you find the perfect flower arrangement.